Outwardly, both fruits look very much the same. Nangka is also known as Jackfruit in English. In terms of size, Cempedak is a little smaller, and slightly slimmer, while Jackfruit is rounder and bigger. Cempedak smell is stronger, and taste sweeter, while Jackfruit is a little bland.
Mar 10, 2022
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nangka cempedak difference from says.com
Jul 23, 2021 · Jackfruit, also known as nangka in Malaysia, is usually huge and oval in shape. While cempedak is tubular as well, it can look slightly rounder ...
nangka cempedak difference from story.motherhood.com.my
Jul 21, 2022 · Both fruits are sweet and delicious. Usually though, Jackfruit pieces are eaten raw and their firm texture is suitable for consumption as is.
Nov 25, 2023 · nangka has big fruit and firm flesh, where cempedak has smaller fruit & soft flesh. good luck !
nangka cempedak difference from www.flyfm.audio
Both fruits look awfully identical to each other, which often causes confusion. But there are several differences between the two.
nangka cempedak difference from tropicalfruitforum.com
Sep 10, 2016 · My chempedak leaves and stems are much more hairy. They are also looking much more chlorotic and unhappy at the moment.
nangka cempedak difference from www.reddit.com
Jul 21, 2022 · It's not jackfruit, it's cempedak. Same family, different fruit. Apparently, cempedak tastes halfway between overripe jackfruit and durian.
However, the prominent differences lie only in stems, leaves, fruit skin, fruit shape, fruit pulp texture, seeds, aromas, and flavors.