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Translations in context of "赞" in Chinese-English from Reverso Context: 赞赏, 赞扬, 赞同, 赞成, 赞助.
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她的表演受到了讚美。 Her performance won praise. 在较北方的气候区,红发人较具优势因为他们白皙的皮肤能吸收较多光线进而合成较多维生素D,真是讚!
Pinyin: zàn ; English Definition: variant of 赞 ; to praise; to patronize; to support; to praise; (Internet slang) to like (an online post on Facebook etc).
English definition and translation from Chinese of: 赞 with examples on how to use, sound, pronunciation, stroke order animations for each character and ...
English translation of '赞'. Share. ×. Credits. ×. 赞. [zàn]. 动. 1. (帮助) assist. 赞助 [zànzhù] assistance. 2. (称颂) commend. 赞赏 [zànshǎng] admire.
Chinese Definition: ①幫助,輔佐:贊助。贊劃。贊襄(協助)。贊理。贊成。 ②主持禮儀:贊禮。 ③誇獎,稱揚:讚歎。讚許。讚揚。贊和。讚頌。讚賞。讚詞。讚譽。
to approve of to endorse (vote) in favor. 赞许 Trad. 讚許. zàn xǔ. to praise to laud. Example Usage. Are you Studying Chinese?