Hens do not need a rooster in order to create and lay eggs. All they need is a safe place, time, and a healthy diet with enough protein and calcium to form healthy eggs. Of course, any eggs laid by a hen where no rooster is present are going to be unfertilized, and therefore will never hatch.
Apr 11, 2022
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Nov 21, 2013 · Natural evolution did not create a chicken that lays so many unfertilized eggs. Human engineering created such chickens.
Oct 5, 2018 · When the female releases the egg cell from her body store, she does not know whether a male sperm cell will come and fertilise it or not.
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Are eggs laid every day? ... Ovulation (release of the yolk from the ovary) occurs every 24 – 26 hours regardless of fertilization (so a rooster is not needed). A ...
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Jun 6, 2012 · Completely absent a rooster - it's not possible. However, you can remove a rooster from the hens and the hens will lay fertile eggs for another ...
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